How important is the jockey in horse racing?

Jockeys often plan an important role in the outcome of a race – either contributing to their mount’s success or dashing its chances. Read more about betting on jockey odds in horse racing: strategies, tips and more.

Knowing the top riders at a given track is important, as these pilots are in high demand and may have opportunities to ride multiple horses in a race. Observant handicappers will upgrade the chances of a horse that a top jockey sticks with in such circumstances.

 A rider’s record with a particular trainer also is worth consideration. If a top barn sends out a runner and sees fit to put one of the best riders on the circuit aboard, that’s an indication of high expectations.

It’s also important to know the proclivities and strengths of riders. Some like to “send” their horses to the front right away, while others prefer a more patient approach and will try to get their mount to relax in the early stages in hopes of a strong finish. Some are almost unstoppable on the turf, but rarely win on the dirt.

It pays to study jockeys in the same way you examine horses and trainers. You can also bet on a trainer or a jockey’s performance with odds at Amwager, Twinspires and other sites for horse wagering online.